We can’t deny the start of the Summer, especially here in Dubai where the heat makes us run indoors. With the arrival of summer we usually find ourselves with a change of pace, as the school year comes to and end and travelers start their journeys the city shifts gears. Vacations have the power to break the stress cycle, and hopefully we find ourselves renewed and ready to take on the world upon our return. But vacations are not always successful, furthermore we are not always able to take a vacation. So how can we make the most of this summer time?
Rest And Digest
Regardless of your summer plans the main way to rest is to create a change in your mindset. The main goal of the summer break is to provide the mind a body with a well-deserved break. But relaxing is sometimes difficult, breaking the stress cycle requires a conscious effort so that we don’t end up needing a vacation from our vacation. To achieve this we must guard our sleep. Allow yourself some extra time for sleep knowing that it increases your focus, memory and your ability to manage your emotions. A change of perspective on food is also helpful, shifting from feeding ourselves into dining; spend time planning, preparing and tasting your food. And, make time for people whether its old friends or people you meet on the road creating connections makes for the best memories and also engages our rest and digest response.
If you are travelling with your family this time will be probably both fun and challenging. Sometimes spending time with loved ones is not as easy as we wish, just remember that the benefits outweighs the difficulties as family vacations are shared experiences that help bonding and communication. So, this might be the perfect time to disconnect to connect; a time to sign out and reduce screen and device use to connect real time. You might have heard the phrase distracted parenting lately as research is showing that children are noticing how distracted their parents are, and they are taking advantage of the distraction to test limits which on occasion means engaging in more risky behavior.
We are all guilty of being absorbed as according to the New York Times interactive technology and social media are designed to be emotionally absorbing and habit forming. So, we all need to be more mindful about our usage and these summer months are perfect to change habits as we have already engaged in a change of pace, scenery and/or location. Spending time with others means eye contact and present attention.
Rediscover yourself
Having some extra time is an opportunity to engage in new, or old, creative endeavors. You can try painting, cooking, photography, dancing, etc. Maybe it is an old hobby you have been wanting to get back to or some new interest that has caught your attention, this is might just be the month to take that thought into action. For children the break from school is also a time to explore their interests from a more playful manner but their skill, curiosity and knowledge pursuits must continue to be promoted otherwise their progress might regress in what is called the “summer slide”. Engaging curiosity and learning from a different perspective where failure is invited is perfect for the summer months.
Don’t let the summer slip through, cherish and honor the down time, explore your world whether it is travelling to new places or exploring your inner world make this summer into an opportunity to be curious, playful and relaxed.