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Why Should We Pay Attention to Our Dreams?

Why Should We Pay Attention to Our Dreams?

Freud, also known as the father of Psychoanalysis, described dreams as “the royal road to the unconscious. Along with many other psychologists, Freud believed that dreams often reveal something about ourselves that we weren’t aware of. If we take the time to better understand our

Parenting Practices to Help Tune into Older Kids

Parenting Practices to Help Tune into Older Kids

Adolescence is the period in a person’s life that occurs after infancy and before adulthood. Mainly between the ages of 10-19, adolescents undergo physiological, emotional, and social changes. Parents may find that their child desires to spend more time away from family members and this

Movember – Whats it about?

Movember – Whats it about?

For those who are unaware, Movember is an annual event in which, for the month of November, participants will grow mustaches in order to raise awareness for men related health issues, such as testicular and prostate cancer, and the high levels of male suicide. By

Choosing a Therapist that’s Right for You

Choosing a Therapist that’s Right for You

Finding a therapist that is right for you may take some time and is not always a linear, one-time event. Although some clients find their fit from through their first try, don’t get discouraged if takes you more than one consultation to find someone you

The Secrets We Do Not Tell Ourselves

The Secrets We Do Not Tell Ourselves

How well do you know yourself? We believe that we know ourselves, and then suddenly, we act in a way we cannot explain. We have plans and goals, and we find that we are sabotaging our progress. Psychoanalysis explained that our consciousness holds only some

Let’s Talk “F@t” Shaming 

Let’s Talk “F@t” Shaming 

We are bombarded by constant messages that promote unrealistic expectations  to attain that “perfect body”. Body-shaming is a form of bullying. We can extend this to ourselves, or to others, this is an ongoing concern due to social media misuse, propelled by wannabe body consultants, AKA,

A General Guide to Habit Formation

A General Guide to Habit Formation

Habits are things we do often, that require little or no thought. And the things we do determine who we are, what we think and believe, and how we are perceived by others. In the words of Aristotle, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence,

You, me, and Empathy

You, me, and Empathy

The American Psychological Association (APA) defines empathy as the ability to understand a person “from his or her frame of reference rather that one’s own” and also includes experiencing the other person’s feelings, perceptions and thoughts vicariously. In other words, putting oneself in someone else’s

Cyber Psychology – addictive qualities of gaming

Cyber Psychology – addictive qualities of gaming

Video games and online gaming has become an increasingly popular leisure activity over the last 25 years. From games that individuals can play alone, to massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG), gaming offers a forum for many to engage in a manner that best suits