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Getting Motivated for 2023

Getting Motivated for 2023

With the end of 2022, many of us have made new year’s resolutions to change something in our lives for the coming year; however, according to a survey of UK and Australian citizens in 2022, over 91% of people fail to follow through with their

Embracing the Spectrum: Autism & Social Communication

Embracing the Spectrum: Autism & Social Communication

By definition, autism spectrum disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition; that is, children on the spectrum are born with differences in the brain structures, characterized by challenges in social communication, interaction and restricted or repetitive behaviours or interests. Beyond the classical red flags checklist in developmental

Raising Emotionally Resilient Children

Raising Emotionally Resilient Children

Emotional resilience refers to a person’s ability to ‘bounce back’ and regulate their emotions in response to stressful situations. Parents and caregivers are likely to witness their children experiencing an array of unpleasant emotions such as anger, sadness, fear, shame, guilt, etc. While it is

Raising Biracial Children

Raising Biracial Children

Interracial marriages are on the rise, especially due to globalization interlinking communities worldwide and the Gulf region is no exception. I accompanied my son just the other day to a birthday party and was surprised to see how many of his peers and their families

Why is Sleep Important?

Why is Sleep Important?

In a time where it feels like we are all scrambling to get things done, that there are constantly things we HAVE to do, and that there are seemingly not enough hours in the day, know that taking a rest is not something that should

Parenting During Times of Change

Parenting During Times of Change

Change is inevitable. Like adults, children too can be impacted by repeated transitions. For instance, a change in their parents’ relationship, a shift in the family dynamics, changes in childcare, family illness, death of a close one, loss of a friendship, moving homes, starting at

Why Should We Pay Attention to Our Dreams?

Why Should We Pay Attention to Our Dreams?

Freud, also known as the father of Psychoanalysis, described dreams as “the royal road to the unconscious. Along with many other psychologists, Freud believed that dreams often reveal something about ourselves that we weren’t aware of. If we take the time to better understand our