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How to make this mental health month different for you?

Natalia Gomez Carlier
Psychologist & Art Psychotherapist

Every October, we observe World Mental Health Month and continue to create awareness of how, as a global community, we can help create lasting change in this important area. We do so emphasizing empathy and understanding that those affected would benefit from hope and empowerment. And by fighting the stigma surrounding mental health. October then becomes a month where we have a lot of awareness conversations, tips, strategies, and an emphasis on how to improve our mental health; however, when we start doing things in an automatic way or become too familiar with what we are doing, the effect of what we do dissolves. Possibly, the first mental health month that you were aware of was super powerful, and now it has just become familiar.

This year, we can start with the why. Before we discuss the strategies for improving mental health, we should consider the whys. Why should you work on your mental health? What drives your desire to invest in your mental health? What are the benefits of focusing on mental health? Before you continue reading this blog, ask yourself and try to identify why you want this, how this can help you, and why this is important to you. Before you continue, I urge you to take a moment and jot down your reasons for wanting to enhance your mental health. This exercise can serve as a powerful reminder and guide in your journey towards better mental wellbeing.

There are plenty of reasons why we should invest in our mental health. For instance, Dubai has invested in the mental health strategy and intends to improve the emirate’s overall care and support systems. This strategy includes reducing the stigma and encouraging people to seek help through awareness and education. Developing services and care facilities that integrate mental health into primary care settings, training, and incorporating evidence-based practices will also enhance the quality of mental health services. Finally, they also want to invest in research and innovation to find treatments for mental health conditions. Ultimately, the goal is to develop support systems that can attend to every single member of our community. This strategy is based on collaboration between government community organizations and healthcare providers who would develop a comprehensive mental health support network.

This strategy includes you; it includes all of us. We might also want to consider the collective why. Why is it essential to invest in our mental health as a collective? Here are some of the key points:

-Improving the quality of life as improved mental health takes us to improved relationships, greater satisfaction, and overall well-being.

-Improved academic performance in terms of focus, performance, and attendance that ripples from one student to whole classrooms

-Focusing on early intervention and working from a preventive side helps people develop early resilience and strength, prevent more severe conditions, and reduce healthcare expenses.

-Investing in mental health also boosts productivity and the economy by reducing job turnover and absenteeism.

-Addressing mental health also decreases social issues and builds a more stable community.

-Investing in mental health also improves family dynamics as it helps provide services that reduce the pressure and burden on caregivers.

-Finally, investing in mental health creates a stronger, more resilient community with social cohesion and reduced stigma. It is time to invest in your mental health and find your own personal why so it can help you navigate and stay on course.

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